1978 Chevy El Camino #2
After I did the first El Camino my family pointed out that it looked like my son-in-law's first car. That was not my purpose, but I decided to do another one and give it him for his birthday. I tried to get pictures of his but was informed that just wasn't possible anymore. It's stored in a shed that they cannot get to. I think the shed has collapsed or something. Anyway my father-in-law told me the particulars and even what wheels were on it. I search the internet for said wheels even at the 3d print shops. Through Facebook of all places, I found a guy who had some and I traded the wheels that came with this kit for the low-rider option of the kit. (kit comes with three sets of wheels - go figure!) Just cost me the shipping one way. They really make the car right. I left the chrome parts alone because his car had chrome. I put it in a case and he loves it.
At the bottom of the page is a side-by-side of Both El Camino's.
Click on any image below for a larger image or slideshow.
Comparison - Personally, I like the black trim better.