A Miscellaneous Collection of Video Interviews with Andre Norton

from 1987 to 1999


These videos should be considered as very private moments in the life of Andre Norton.

They are shared by her close friends. Please do not misuse or abuse them.

The first is a private moment in Andre's life showing her getting ready to go to a presentation with Tom Doherty at the World Fantasy Convention in Nashville, Tennessee 1987. See a PDF copy of the Flier created for this party.


Tom Doherty and Andre get ready to go out. ~ Approx. 9 minutes 

Then we have Andre Norton hosting an Invitation Only Tea Party at the Noreascon III convention in Boston ~ 1989. Including Andre modeling a costume for the "Black Trillium" book she is promoting.

Andre hosts a Tea Party ~ Approx. 13 minutes

Next is an informal chat with Andre, Ingrid Zierhut, Mark Karpinski and 2 large Siamese cats in the kitchen of Winter Park, FL sometime in 1995 or 1996 from the content. Subjects discussed rang from cats, Andre's memories of her family's first car to the "Witch World Dictionary" and a story line for which Andre seems to be stuck on.

Andre in her kitchen ~ Approx. 22 minutes


Finally we have the opening of The High Hallack library in Murfreesboro, TN. We believe this is in 1999. You should be warned that so many people are talking at once it is very hard to hear the audio.

High Hallack opens ~ Approx. 11 ½ Minutes




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