Bullard of the Space Patrol
~ A Collection of Stories authored by Malcolm Jameson
Edited by Andre Norton
Contains ~
- Introduction by Andre Norton
- Admiral's Inspection (nv) Astounding Apr. (1940)
- White Mutiny (nv) Astounding Oct. (1940)
- Blockade Runner ["Slacker's Paradise"] (ss) Astounding Apr. (1941)
- Bullard Reflects (ss) Astounding Dec. (1941)
- Brimstone Bill (nv) Astounding Jul. (1942)
- Orders (ss) Astounding Dec. (1945)
- The Bureaucrat (nv) Astounding Apr. (1944)
Note: Second edition omits The Bureaucrat
Synopsis ~
Write-up from the front flap of the dustjacket ~
John Bullard was born on Terra, in the ancient district of Ohio, in 3915, and his story is science fiction in the tradition of fine storytelling. No bug-eyed monsters of the “space operas” here, but the adventures of a clever man, not physically outstanding in any way, who passed almost unnoticed from the Patrol Academy into the Service, there to become the almost legendary hero of the space fleet.
Keeping the peace of the inner and outer planets was no easy job. It fell to Commander Bullard to put down the rebellious criminals long since banished to other planets, to fight in grim wars which encompassed not the nations of our time but the planets of the universe, and last but not least, to cut through the red tape of Terra’s bureaucracy. His clever use of the extraordinary machines and weapons of a future age brought him a fame unequaled among the mariners of deep space.
As a hero of science fiction, Commander Bullard has no equal. His fantastic, often humorous, but always logical adventures have long been favorites of science-fiction addicts.
Write-up from the rear cover of Space Service ~
The story of Commander John Bullard, whose armadas waged the grimmest of all wars in the black night of outer space where the slightest miscalculation meant death in an interstellar vacuum.
John Bullard was born on Terra, in the ancient district of Ohio, in 3915. A clever man, not physically outstanding in any way, he passed almost unnoticed from the Patrol Academy into the Service.
Keeping the peace of the inner and outer planets was no easy job. It fell to Commander Bullard to put down the rebellious criminals long since banished to other planets, to fight in wars encompassing the planets of the universe, and to cut through the red tape of Terra’s bureaucracy. His brilliant use of the extraordinary machines and weapons of a future age brought him a fame unequaled among the mariners of deep space.
The dean of science-fiction writers, Malcolm Jameson writes of the future with precision and imagination. Bullard is a very human hero whose adventures will fascinate all readers.
Bibliography of English Editions ~
- (1951) Published by World, HC, HC51, LCCN 510012352, $2.50, 255pg ~ cover by Safran {Black Cloth Boards, # 1322 on Rear of Dust Jacket}
- (1955) Published by World Junior Library, HC, HC755, LCCN 510012352, $1.00, 206pg ~ cover by Virgil Finlay {Red Cloth Boards, Light Blue End Pages, Front Board stamped World Junior library, omits The Bureaucrat}
- (1950s) Published by Boys Club?
- Bullard: Tales of the Patrol (2015) Published by CreateSpace, TP, 978-1-507-65309-8, $9.99, 234pg ~ The collected adventures of John Bullard, officer of the Patrol, from Lieutenant to Admiral. The creation of Malcolm Jameson, the Bullard stories may have been the first military science fiction series. This collection is the most complete ever published. In addition to all the Bullard stories, it includes two bonus essays by Jameson on the tactics and strategy of war in space. ~ Print-on-Demand
- (2016) Published by Lulu Press Inc., HC, 978-1-365-49156-6, ~ Print-on-Demand
Non-English Editions ~
- (2015) Published in Yaroslavl, by V.V. Mamonov, 978-5-00096-021-9, HC, 332pg ~ cover and illustrations by M. Kurkhuli ~ translation by Yu. Chizhov ~ Russian title Буллард, байки космического патруля [Bullard, space patrol bikes]
Bullard of the Space Patrol - 1951
Bullard of the Space Patrol - 1951
Bullard of the Space Patrol - 1955
Bullard of the Space Patrol - 1955
Bullard of the Space Patrol - 1950s - Boys Club edition
Bullard of the Space Patrol - 1950s - Boys Club edition
Bullard of the Space Patrol - 1951 dj
Bullard of the Space Patrol - 1951 dj
Bullard of the Space Patrol - 1955 dj
Bullard of the Space Patrol - 1955 dj
Bullard of the Space Patrol - 2015
Bullard of the Space Patrol - 2015
Bullard of the Space Patrol - 2016
Bullard of the Space Patrol - 2016
Bullard of the space Patrol - Russian - 2015
Bullard of the space Patrol - Russian - 2015