Space Pioneers
~ A Collection of Short Stories by Various Authors
Edited by Andre Norton
Contains ~
- Preface (pr) by Andre Norton
- The Illusionaries (ss) by Eric Frank Russell, Planet Stories Nov. (1951)
- Moonwalk (nv) by H. B. Fyfe, Space Science Fiction Nov. (1952)
- Trail Blazer (ss) by Raymond Z. Gallun, Fantastic Story Magazine Feb. (1951)
- Thou Good and Faithful (nv) by K. Houston Brunner, Astounding Mar. (1953)
- The End of the Line (nv) by James H. Schmitz, Astounding Jul. (1951)
- A Pail of Air (ss) by Fritz Leiber, Galaxy Dec. (1951)
- The Farthest Horizon (ss) by Raymond F. Jones, Astounding Apr. (1952)
- Asteroid of Fear (nv) by Raymond Z. Gallun, Planet Stories Mar. (1951)
- Page and Player (nv) by Jerome Bixby, Startling Stories Aug. (1952)
Synopsis ~
Write-up from the front and rear flaps of dust-jacket ~
Space - endless space, filled with planets and a galaxy of stars - that was the new frontier, the great wilderness waiting for the explorers to discover, and the pioneers to settle it. Space Pioneers is a collection of superb stories of explorations and settlements in outer space. a trip to the moon results in a terrifying trial of man's fortitude and endurance; the exploration of Mars is achieved successfully with the help of a native American Indian who finds new trails to follow in the Martian desert; a team of exploration experts rebels against the Dominator of their society in death-defying maneuver; an invasion of Earth by inhabitants of another planet is almost successful. These are the explorers who accept the challenge of new worlds. Close behind them follow the settlers - the women, wives and daughters, who accompany their men to chill new homes in dangerous surroundings; the men who farm the planets and battle the hostile nature in the process. Their story is the story of the future.
Space Pioneers presents a startling glimpse into that future; the future of space travel, artificial satellites, colonization - a vision of conquest and settlement that comes closer to reality every day.
Write-up from the rear flap of "The Star Are Ours!" ~
Space Pioneers, a collection of superb stories, presents a startling glimpse into the future of space travel, artificial satellites, and colonization – a vision of conquest and settlement that comes closer to reality every day. Andre Norton has gathered together stories by some of the finest writers in the science-fiction genre: Eric Frank Russell, H. B. Fyfe, Raymond Z. Gallun, K. Houston Brunner, James Schmitz, Fritz Lieber, Raymond Jones, Jerome Bixby. Here is a discriminating selection of stories guaranteed to please all science-fiction fans.
Reviews ~
Kirkus Reviews ~ Issue: June 15th, 1954
The Explorers" and "The Settlers" form the two sections in an anthology of short stories that mirror the universe's future as one of hard won goals rather than quick flights to glory. Nine stories in all include among authors Eric Frank Russell, H.B. Fyfe, Jerome Bixby and others. Examples of their varying themes are farming the planets- Earth's repulsion of astral invaders- an exploration group's rebellion against an Orwellian mastermind and so forth. Provocative.
Various reviews ~ For more info and other listings see Articles Over the Years
1954 by The Editors in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May
1954 by Groff Conklin in Galaxy Science Fiction, July
1954 by uncredited in Weird Tales, September
1954 by P. Schuyler Miller in Astounding Science Fiction, November
Bibliography of English Editions ~
- (1954) Published by World, HC, # HC254, LCCN 54005338, $2.75, 294pg ~ cover by Virgil Finlay {Red Cloth Boards, # 1624 on Rear of Dust Jacket, Library Edition – Red Pictorial Fron}t, 7th printing # 7HC67 on Copyright Page 1967
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