Spell of the Witch World
Collection of 3 Original Stories within the Witch World Saga
~ Sometimes considered 3rd Novel in the Witch World: High Hallack Series by Andre Norton
Contains ~
- Dragon Scale Silver (na)
- Dream Smith (ss)
- Amber Out of Quayth (na)
Synopsis ~
Write-up from the back of the DAW paperback edition ~
Somewhere in the infinite spaces beyond the galaxy we know lies a planet with a strange affinity to the Earth. For Earthling blood had crossed that incomprehensible vastness to mingle with the human but alien civilizations of the untraced world… Earthling blood brought through an ancient “door” set down between the worlds in times unknown.
Andre Norton’s marvelous novels of the Witch World, so distant that the very laws of space and time differ from those that govern our cosmic sector; have been compared by critics to the work of J.R.R. Tolkien of Lord of the Rings fame, and equally to the great interplanetary adventures of Clifford Simak or an Edgar Rice Burroughs.
But there is nothing “copy-cat” in Andre Norton’s work – and in spell of the Witch World we have a fantasy-reading treat that compares favorably to the greatest of them all.
Here is the seventh book of the Witch World saga – with all the color and super-science imagery of those that have gone before. Here you will meet the twins, Elys, the witch-sister, and Elyn, the warrior-brother – and the pact that drew both into perils beyond the laws of our everyday stars.
Write-up from the front flap of the Gregg Press edition ~
ACROSS THE SEA to the west of Estcarp, the land of the Wise Women, is High Hallack, a rugged land ruled by the Dale lords and inhabited in places by remnants of the Old Ones who still practice their magic when the need arises.
In Spell of the Witch World, Andre Norton offers three new tales of magic and adventure in High Hallack set just before and during the wars with Alizon.
In “Dragon Scale Silver” Elys and Elyn, twin sister and brother, have been separated by the Alizon invasion. Through her magic dragon cup Elys was assured of her brother’s safety until one day a stain appeared and Elys realized that he was in danger. Accompanied by Jervon, a wounded soldier she had healed, Elys sought her brother, prepared to die in battle for him if necessary. What she confronted in the end was not human opponent, but a power greater than that of any but the strongest man.
“Dream Smith” draws us into the world of a maimed silversmith and a crippled heiress who together discover that the foreign silver that has maimed him is a source of power and enchantment for both of them.
“Amber Out of Quayth” describes the adventures of Ismay, an unwanted daughter who has been forced to marry a dealer in amber. From their first meeting Ismay suspected that her husband held a strange dark secret, but she was not prepared for the powerful Evil he had used before and was prepared to use again.
Write-up from the back of the 1978 UK paperback edition ~
Elys and Elyn, born in the same hour, were of blood of Escarp though they lived as strangers in High Hallack among the Dalesmen. Their mother, dead within days of their birth, had been the Lady Alonda, a Wise Woman, Mistress of the Powers and she had bound their fates together with her necromancy.
When Elys looked on Elyn she could have been gazing into a mirror, yet their hearts were set on a separate course. Elyn was a warrior – hard, brave, impatient for battle – and Elys, though she could wield a sword as good as he, was witch-born, one of the far-seeing. When the storms of war drove them apart and they knew death, hardship and the loss of hope, it was Elyn who was caught by the witch webs of the Old Ones and Elys who must save him by the strength of her mind and arm.
Write-up from the back of the 1988 UK paperback edition ~
Their fates were bound by their mother’s white magic – though darkness and battle strove to drive them apart…
It was in the year of the Fire Troll that the sea-raiders struck at High Hallack and, promise-bound, its sons rose to the defense of their Dale. But there stood amongst their number a youth whom the Dalesmen had merely fostered: Elyn, born of the Estcarp, whose birthright was the wisdom of the Wise. But Elyn of Estcarp was still young and, though a warrior inpatient for battle, his unscarred sword had learnt little of the dark treacheries of war. In his most desperate hour of danger Elyn’s stoutest weapon would prove his brave witch-sister Elys. Together witch and warrior would face perils beyond the laws of our everyday stars!
“Her story-telling gift is phenomenal” – Anne McCaffrey
“One of those talents without which this field would be inestimably poorer” – C.J. Cherryh
“An imagination quite out of this world” - TLS
Write-up from a Gregg Press sales flyer ~
Three other cycles of adventures are also taking place in High Hallack. In the first, "Dragon Scale Silver," Elys and Elyn, twin children of Escarp refugees, are mirrored in the image of a magic dragon cup. When Elyn goes to fight in the war against the Alzon invaders, Elyn is secure in the knowledge that he is safe until a stain appears on the cup. Accompanied by Jarvon, a wounded soldier she has healed, she rescues Elyn from the spell of a bewitched female spirit who has caught him in a trap. In "Dream Smith" a maimed silversmith and a crippled heiress are united and made whole again through the enchantment of the old Ones' magic. "Amber out of Quayth" describes the adventures of Ismay, an unwanted daughter who marries a dealer in amber. When she learns that her husband is not the true owner of the amber, she frees Broc, the rightful owner, and turns her husband's evil spells against him, locking him forever in the amber he stole. "The fantasy element is still strong and superbly handled. This is a fine trio of fantasy yarns and Norton at her best. Get it, by all means." Luna Monthly.
Reviews ~
Various reviews ~ For more info and other listings see Articles Over the Years
1972 by Charlie Brown in Locus #185, February 29
1972 by B. Fredstrom in Luna Monthly #10/42 (fnz), October/November
1972 by S. Burns in Son of WSFA Journal #66 (fnz), September
1973 by uncredited in Amra V2n58, January
1977 by E. Sisco in School Library Journal, September
1977 by Charles N. Brown in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, Winter
1988 by Andy Sawyer in Paperback Inferno #75 (fnz)
2021 by Judith Tarr
Bibliography of English Editions ~
- (1972) Published by DAW, PB, 0-451-UQ100-1, $0.95, 159pg ~ cover by Jack Gaughan, ~ 5th printing 1975 UY1179, $1.25, 159pg, ~ 12th printing #97795-7, $2.25 & 13th printing #77093-9 $2.50 dates unknown, covers by Michael Whelan ~ 14th printing 1987, #77242-7, $3.50, 159pg, cover by Jack Gaughan
- (1977) Published by Gregg Press, HC, 0-839-82354-1, LCCN 77023206, $7.95, 159pg ~ As Witch World 7: Spell of the Witch World ~ Dust Jacket and Text Art by Jack Gaughan, Frontmatter by Alice Phalen, Endpaper Maps by Barbi Johnson {Binding: 5.625 x 8.25 - Dark Blue Cloth Boards with Gold Lettering} Limited to 1200 copies.
- (1977) Published by G Prior, HC, 0-860-43075-8, £4.95, 168pg ~ UK printing ~ This Edition is an identical copy of the Gregg Press release with the exception of the Title & Copyright Page.
- (1978) Published by Universal, PB, 0-426-18534-X, £0.75 ~ UK printing ~ cover by Rodney Matthews ~ 80¢ in Malta; $2.65 in Australia; $2.30 in New Zealand
- (1988) Published by Gollancz, PB, 0-575-04365-2, £2.95, 220pg ~ UK printing ~ cover by Michael Posen
- (2012) Published by Premier Digital Publishing, eISBN 978-1-937957-51-3, DM, $3.99, 147pg ~ cover by Kib Prestridge
- (2014) Published by Open Road Media, eISBN 978-1-497656-75-8, DM, $3.99, 159pg ~ cover by Kib Prestridge ~ re-released in 2017 with new cover-art by Ian Koviak
Non-English Editions ~
- (1977) Published in Rastatt, Germany; by Pabel, Terra Fantasy 39, DM3.80, 161pg ~ translation by Susi-Maria Rödiger ~ cover by Angelo Boog ~ German title Ingarets Fluch [Ingaret's curse] ~ does not include Dream Smith
- (2018) Published in Germany by APEX VERLAG CHRISTIAN DÖRGE, 978-3-7438-8577-6, DM, $7.99 ~ German title INGARETS FLUCH - Achter Roman des HEXENWELT-Zyklus [INGARET'S CURSE - Eighth novel of the HEX WORLD Cycle]
- (1985) Published in Poland; OCLC: 69506799, 79pg ~ translation by Jarosław Kotarski ~ Polish title Czary Świata Czarownic T. 1 [Spells of the World of Witches T. 1]
- (1985) Published in Poland; OCLC: 69506800, 80pg ~ translation by Jarosław Kotarski ~ Polish title Czary Świata Czarownic T. 2 [Spells of the World of Witches T. 2]
- (1990) Combined with "Lore of the Witch World" Published in Bydgoszcz, Poland; 83-700-3776-3, 318pg ~ translation by Jarosław Kotarski ~ Polish title Świat magii czarownic [The world of magic witches]
- (1994) Published in Poland; by Zysk i S-ka, 83-862-2115-0, 126pg ~ translation by Jarosław Kotarski ~ Polish title Czary Świata Czarownic [Magic World Of Witches]
- (1979) Published in Lidiun, Argentina, 950-524-312-X, PB, 244pg ~ translatuion by Roberto Rosaspini ~ Spanish title El planeta de las brujas [The planet of the witches]
Russian Omnibus Editions ~
- (1992)-1 Published in Moscow by Fairy, 5-867-40009-3, HC, 426pg ~ "Witch World" translation by R.J. Sokolov ~ cover by N. Ivanova , N. Lyubeshkina ~ Russian title Ведьмы из Эсткарпа [Witches from Estcarp]
- From the publisher, pp. 5-6
- "Witch World" as "Witches from Estcarp" ~ translation by Yu. Sokolov, pp. 7-222
- "Dragon Scale Silver" as "Dragon bowl" ~ translation by Yu. Sokolov, pp. 223-293
- "Dream Smith" as "The Smith of Visions" ~ translation by Yu. Sokolov, pp. 294-313
- "Amber Out of Quayth" as "Amber from Quays" ~ translation by Yu. Sokolov, pp. 314-368
- "The Toads of Grimmerdale" as "Frogs of the Balefoot" ~ translation by K. Korolyov, pp. 369-424
- Sources, p. 425
- (1992)-2 Published in Moscow by Fairy, 5-867-40017-4, HC, 382pg~ "Witch World" translation by R.J. Sokolov ~ cover by N. Zubkov ~ Russian title Ведьмы из Эсткарпа [Witches from Estcarp]
- From the publisher, pp. 5-6
- "Witch World" as "Witches from Estcarp" ~ translation by Yu. Sokolov, pp. 7-200
- "Dragon Scale Silver" as "Dragon bowl" ~ translation by Yu. Sokolov, pp. 201-264
- "Dream Smith" as "The Smith of Visions" ~ translation by Yu. Sokolov, pp. 265-282
- "Amber Out of Quayth" as "Amber from Quays" ~ translation by Yu. Sokolov, pp. 283-330
- "The Toads of Grimmerdale" as "Frogs of the Balefoot" ~ translation by K. Korolyov, pp. 331-380
- (1992)-3 Published in Novosibirsk, by EYA, 5-872-16014-3, HC, 448pg ~ cover by M. Mikhalev ~ Russian title Колдовской мир [Witching World]
- "Sorceress of the Witch World" as "The Witch of the Witching World" ~ pp. 3-126
- "Year of the Unicorn" ~ pp. 127-222
- "The Crystal Gryphon" as "Crystal with the Griffin" ~ pp. 223-354
- "Spell of the Witch World" as "Enchantment of the Witching World" ~ pp. 355-448
- "Dragon Scale Silver" as "Part I" ~ pp. 355-401
- "Dream Smith" as "Part II" ~ pp. 402-413
- "Amber Out of Quayth" as "Part III" ~ pp. 413-448
- (1992)-4 Published in Moscow, by Interbook, 5-766-40814-5, HC, 348pg ~ cover by V. Kurilov ~ Russian title Год Единорога [Year of the Unicorn]
- "Year of the Unicorn" ~ pp. 3-102
- "Sorceress of the Witch World" as "The Sorceress of the Witching World" ~ pp. 103-244
- "Dragon Scale Silver" as "Dragon with Silver Scales" ~ pp. 245-294
- "Dream Smith" as "The Dream of a Blacksmith" ~ pp. 295-307
- "Amber Out of Quayth" as "Amber Keita" ~ pp. 309-347
- (1993) Published in Moscow, by Artlik, 5-855-98012-X, HC 416pg ~ cover by N. Rosenthal ~ Russian title Год Единорога [Year of the Unicorn] ~ The collection "Enchantments of the witching world" was published without breaking down into individual stories.
- "Year of the Unicorn" ~ pp. 3-118
- "The Crystal Gryphon" as "Crystal with a Griffin" ~ pp. 119-270
- "Spell of the Witch World" as "Enchantment of the Witching World" (collection), pp. 271-378
- "Dragon Scale Silver" as "Dragon bowl" ~ pp. 271-324
- "Dream Smith" as "The blacksmith of visions" ~ pp. 324-337
- "Amber Out of Quayth" as "Amber from Quait" ~ pp. 337-378
- "The Toads of Grimmerdale" as "Grimmerdale Toads" ~ pp. 379-416
- (2002) Published in Moscow, by AST, 5-170-11020-0 and 5-792-10462-X, HC, 572pg ~ "Spell of the Witch World" translation by Sokolova ~ cover by G. Ruddell (left and top) & T. Jacobus (bottom right) ~ Russian title Сказительница. Сказания колдовского мира [Storyteller. Tales of the Witching World]
- "Songsmith" as "Narrator" ~ translation by D. Arseniev, p. 5-332
- "Spell of the Witch World" as "Tales of the Witching World" (collection)
- "Dragon Scale Silver" as "Dragon Cup" ~ translation by Yu. Sokolov, p. 333-416
- "Dream Smith" as "The Smith of Visions" ~ translation by Yu. Sokolov, p. 417-438
- "Amber Out of Quayth" as "Amber from Quayt" ~ translation by Yu. Sokolov, p. 439-504
- History of the Witching World (Appendix), p. 505-573
- (2021) Published in Moscow by Azbuca-Atticus, 978-5-389-18581-4, HC, 608pg ~ cover by O. Zacis ~ Russian title Колдовской мир. Год Единорога [The Witch's World. Year of the Unicorn] ~ Limited to 4000 copies
- "Year of the Unicorn" ~ translation by E. Klipova, pp. 5-210
- "Spell of the Witch World" as "Tales of the Witch's World" ~ translation by Y. Sokolov, pp. 211-372
- "Dragon Scale Silver" as "Dragon Bowl" ~ translation by Y. Sokolov, pp. 213-291
- "Dream Smith" as "The Blacksmith of Visions" ~ translation by Y. Sokolov, pp. 292-311
- "Amber Out of Quayth" as "Amber from Quayta" ~ translation by Y. Sokolov, pp. 312-372
- "Hown Crown" as "Horned Crown" ~ translation by N. Omelyanovich, pp. 373-604
Ukrainian Omnibus Editions ~
- (1992)-5 Published in Kyiv, Ukraine by Alterpres, 5-874-98065-2, HC, 752pg ~ "Witch World" translation by translation by Yu Sokolova ~ cover by A. Stolin ~ Ukrainian title Галактический почтовый [Galactic Postal]
- "Forward" by A. Belevtseva, p. 5-6
- "Sargasso of Space" as "Sargassos in space" ~translation by S. Berezhkov & S. Vitin, pp. 7-196
- "Postmarked the Stars" as "Galactic Postal" ~ translation by Yu. Sokolov, pp. 197-394
- "Witch World" as "Witches from Estkarp" ~ translation by Yu. Sokolov, pp. 395-604
- "Dragon Scale Silver" as "Dragon bowl" ~ translation by Yu. Sokolov, pp. 605-680
- "Dream Smith" as "The Smith of Visions" ~ translation by Yu. Sokolov, pp. 681-698
- "Amber Out of Quayth" as "Amber from Quays" ~ translation by Yu. Sokolov, pp. 699-752
- (2010) Published in Kyiv, Ukraine by Globe, (Fanzine) ~ 716pgs. ~ cover by Rodney Matthews ~ Ukrainian title Колдовской мир-3 [Sorcerer's World -3] ~ Limited to 10 copies and not released until October 2018
- "High Hallack" as "Upper Holleck and Arvon"
- "Horn Crown" as "A Crown of Woven Horns" ~ translation by N. Omelyanovich, pp. 5-161
- "Year of the Unicorn" ~ translation by A. Gruzberg & O. Kolesnikov, pp. 163-269
- "Spell of the Witch World" as "Tales of the Witching World"
- "Dragon Scale Silver" as "Dragon bowl" ~ translation by Yu. Sokolov, pp. 271-326
- "Dream Smith" as "The Smith of Visions" ~ translation by Yu. Sokolov, pp. 327-342
- "Amber Out of Quayth" as "Amber from Quayt" ~ translation by Yu. Sokolov, pp. 343-386
- "Gryphon" as "Griffin"
- "The Crystal Gryphon" as "Crystal Griffin" ~ translation by B. Sagalovsky, pp. 387-525
- "Gryphon in Glory" as "Griffin triumphs" ~ translation by D. Saveliev, & J. Saveliev, pp. 527-714
- "High Hallack" as "Upper Holleck and Arvon"
- (2018) Published in Kyiv, Ukraine by My Friend Fiction (Fanzine) ~ 784pgs. ~ Ukrainian title Тройка мечей [Three Swords]
- "Trey of Swords" as "The Three of Swords" ~ pp. 7-120
- "Ware Hawk" as "Beware of the hawk" ~ pp. 121-272
- "The Gate of the Cat" as "Feline Gate" ~ pp. 273-410
- "High Hallack" as "Upper Holleck and Arvon"
- "Horn Crown" as "Crown of Woven Horns" pp. 411-564
- "Year of the Unicorn" ~ pp. 565-672
- "Spell of the Witch World" as "Tales of the Witching World"
- "Dragon Scale Silver" as "Dragon Bowl" ~ pp. 673-725
- "Dream Smith" as "The Blacksmith of Visions" ~ pp. 726-738
- "Amber Out of Quayth" as "Amber from Quite" ~ pp. 739-780
See Also: The Sorcerer's Conspectus entry for this title.
For information on editions currently available visit the Book Store
Spell of the Witch World - 1972
Spell of the Witch World - 1972
Spell of the Witch World - 1975
Spell of the Witch World - 1975
Spell of the Witch World - 1977 - Gregg Press
Spell of the Witch World - 1977 - Gregg Press
Spell of the Witch World - UK - 1978 original art
Spell of the Witch World - UK - 1978 original art
Spell of the Witch World - UK - 1978
Spell of the Witch World - UK - 1978
Spell of the Witch World - 1984
Spell of the Witch World - 1984
Spell of the Witch World - 1987 proof card
Spell of the Witch World - 1987 proof card
Spell of the Witch World - 1987
Spell of the Witch World - 1987
Spell of the Witch World - UK - 1988
Spell of the Witch World - UK - 1988
Spell of the Witch World - 2012
Spell of the Witch World - 2012
Spell of the Witch World - 2017
Spell of the Witch World - 2017
Spell of the Witch World - Germany - 1977
Spell of the Witch World - Germany - 1977
Spell of the Witch World - Germany - 2018
Spell of the Witch World - Germany - 2018
Spell of the Witch World - Poland - 1990
Spell of the Witch World - Poland - 1990
Spell of the Witch World - Poland - 1994
Spell of the Witch World - Poland - 1994
Spell of the Witch World - Poland - 1994
Spell of the Witch World - Poland - 1994
Contains: Spell of the Witch World - Russian - 1992-1 DJ
Contains: Spell of the Witch World - Russian - 1992-1 DJ
Contains: Spell of the Witch World - Russian - 1992-1
Contains: Spell of the Witch World - Russian - 1992-1
Contains: Spell of the Witch World - Russian - 1992-2
Contains: Spell of the Witch World - Russian - 1992-2
Contains: Spell of the Witch World - Russian - 1992-3
Contains: Spell of the Witch World - Russian - 1992-3
Contains: Spell of the Witch World - Russian - 1992-4
Contains: Spell of the Witch World - Russian - 1992-4
Contains: Spell of the Witch World - Ukrainian - 1992-5
Contains: Spell of the Witch World - Ukrainian - 1992-5
Contains: Spell of the Witch World - Russian - 1993
Contains: Spell of the Witch World - Russian - 1993
Contains: Spell of the Witch World - Russian - 2002
Contains: Spell of the Witch World - Russian - 2002
Contains: Spell of the Witch World - Ukrainian - 2010
Contains: Spell of the Witch World - Ukrainian - 2010
Contains: Spell of the Witch World - Ukrainian - 2018
Contains: Spell of the Witch World - Ukrainian - 2018
Contains: Spell of the Witch World - Russian - 2021
Contains: Spell of the Witch World - Russian - 2021
Spell of the Witch World - Argentina - Spanish - 1979
Spell of the Witch World - Argentina - Spanish - 1979
DAW Frontispiece;
Special one of a kind bound DAW paperback