The Sorcerer's Conspectus:
A comprehensive view of Andre Norton's Witch World
by Lotsawatts
Green in High Hallack
A Short Story in the [Witch World Saga] by Kiel Stuart
See Also: [Martinez ~ Glossary] [Martinez ~ Races] [Schlobin ~ Survey] [Coulson's Index]
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Edition Used for Analysis:
[Tales of the Witch World 1] (1989) Published by TOR, PB, 0-812-54757-8, 978-0-812-54757-3, $3.95, 343pg ~ cover by Victoria Poyser
Tymmons, while foraging for food, comes across a horse-like beast trapped by the thorns in a dewberry thicket. He frees it, names it Camryn, and starts home with it, all the time wondering what Uncle Vannit and Auntie Roop would say about the scant amount of food he was bringing home and another animal to feed. The crops had been disappointingly small this year, ever since the messy strangers had come through, leaving their debris behind. While making his way home, Tymmons and the beast come across a woman of the Old Ones. She identifies the animal as a Ranthan (sp?), and wonders how he came here. She then tells Tymmons (?) Camryn (?) that he has Power. When they do reach the settlement, Tymmons is scolded (as he expected) for bringing home no food, and another beast to eat the scant grass--that the sheep need more! A council of the village people decided that Gunnora wants the beast to be sacrificed, but Tymmons rides it away, meets the Old One again, and suddenly knows what is wrong with the fields. He goes back to the village, but Uncle Vannit seizes the Ranthan and takes out his knife. Tymmons jumps onto the Ranthan's back and takes him out of the pen, then turns to tell the villagers that he knows what is wrong with the fields; the debris the strangers left behind is poisoning the ground.
NOTE: Do some of these people not read HER books? The intelligent mounts of the Green People were RENTHANS, not Ranthans. ~ SL
Timeline Points:
- p307. An odd year; first the strangers tramping through (messy people!) leaving their trash everywhere.
- p315. "It is from the leavings of the strangers—earlier. That is what caused the crops to fail. There was that in their leavings which acted to poison the earth. It can be set right."
Sorcerer's Notes:
The "strangers" may be the Hounds of Alizon. If this is a remote Dale in High Hallack and the Hounds only just attacked, it could be around the turning point of the war (after the Were-Riders join). Which means the "strangers" part could take place in the Year of the Fire Drake so the rest would probably be the next year (Hornet).
The Sorcerer’s recommend that you read next: Zarsthor's Bane
Formatted and Edited by Jay Watts ~ May, 2022
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