Garan the Eternal
~ A Collection of Short Stories by Andre Norton
Contains ~
- 11~ Garin of Tav originally known as People of the Crater [as Andrew North] (nv) Fantasy Book # 1 (1947) Published by Fantasy Publishing, Magazine, Edited by Garret Ford, $0.25, (pgs. 4-18) ~ cover by Milo ~ illustrated by Neil Austin, Charles McNutt & Robert K. Murphy
- 69~ Garan of Yu-Lac (na) partial publication in two separate issues of Spaceway Science Fiction Sep/Oct 1969 & May/Jun 1970, Published by Fantasy ~ both covers by Morris Scott Dollens ~ story illustrated by Carlton Palmer
- 165~ Legacy from Sorn Fen (ss)
- 181~ One Spell Wizard (ss)
(Note - In the paperback edition the stories Legacy from Sorn Fen and One Spell Wizard are reversed.)
Synopsis ~
Write-up from the Fantasy Publishing dust jacket ~
I stood on a fancifully carved balcony of opalescent stone looking down upon a fantastic city not yet awakened from the hours of sleep. In the rose sky, strange seeming to my half-earthy eyes and yet familiar, were the first golden strands of dawn. Yu-lac, the Mighty, lay below me and I was Lord Garan, Marshall of the Emperor’s Air Fleet, peer of the Empire - but I was also Garan of Tav, earthly reincarnated of that other Garan.
My Existence as Garan of Tav had begun when I summoned to that hidden exotic world beyond the Antarctic ice barrier where the remnants of the Great Race which have founded the Empire of Yu-Lac had fled. I had been called to Tav in a time of crisis but had been fortunate to overcome the evil of the Dark Lord Kepta, and win the love of one more precious to me than life itself. At the time of his overthrow Kepta had made reference to the fact that the three of us, myself, my Lady Wife, and Kepta, were tied together by fate. That we had lived and loved and fought before and would again.
Now I was reliving the life of that other Garan on a planet beyond the stars - a world long since shattered into dust... and through him I was to become involved in the fateful struggles of the Ancient Ones against the Lord of Darkness.
The two short novels comprising Garan the Eternal were written by Andre Norton at an early stage in her writing career and their appearance here represents the first complete publication of the second story, though two installments were published in SPACEWAY. While these stories may lack some of the polish of the author's more recent work, they are still outstanding examples of a class of fiction which has come to be known as "heroic fantasy."
The two other stories in the volume were written at a recent date and have the same locale as her popular Witch World series.
Write-up from the back of the paperback editions ~
In our world he was Garin, jet pilot and explorer. In the lost land of Tav, he was Garan who would supply the link with their most ancient past. And in a world far distant in space and time, he was Garan of Yu-Lac who would stand alone between a planet’s doom and the ones he loved.
GARAN THE ETERNAL is a web of wonders woven by a master writer. It is the story of three lives tied by a recurrent destiny - that of Kepta the Ambitious, of Thrala the Devine, and of Garan himself, Man of three worlds.
Here is a never-before-published novel by the author of the Witch World series - a new adventure in science fiction and fantasy sure to please Andre Norton's legion of readers.
Reviews ~
Various reviews ~ For more info and other listings see Articles Over the Years
1974 by B. Fredstrom in Luna Monthly #54 (fnz), September
2021 by Judith Tarr
Dedications and Acknowledgements ~
GARIN OF TAV and its sequal were written more years ago than I care to count now, among my first attempts at fantasy writing when I was greatly influenced by A. Merritt. His books opened a whole new world of creative description to me, and I tried to follow in his footsteps. Though I fear I have lagged quite a bit behind.
But the short stories with these two older novelettes are a much later vintage. Their basic structure comes from very old folklore, and they are laid in High Hallack, that western continent of Witch World. For these the research into many legends was quite detailed.
Thus, this volume really spans almost thirty years of my writing time.
- Andre Norton
Bibliography of English Editions ~
- (1972) Published by Fantasy, HC, 0-686-02511-3, LCCN 73160575, $4.95, 199pg ~ cover by Morris Scott Dollens {Brown Cloth Boards} 1300 copies printed
- (1973) Published by DAW, PB, 0-451-UQ104-5, No.45, $0.95, 206pg, also Canadian Edition C$0.95 ~ 3rd printing also $0.95, 5th printing #UY1186 1975 $1.25, 6th Printing #97431-1 UW1431 1978 $1.50, ~ covers by Jack Gaughan ~ 7th printing #UE2055 1985 (states 6th on copyright page) 8th printing #UE2244 1987 $2.95 US $3.95 Canadian, covers by Jose Segrelles
- (2012) Published by Premier Digital Publishing, eISBN 978-1-937957-37-7, DM, $3.99, 155pg ~ cover by Kib Prestridge
- (2014) Published by Open Road Media, DM, eISBN 978-1-497656-18-5, $3.99, 206pg ~ cover by Kib Prestridge ~ re-released in 2017 with new cover-art by Ian Koviak
Non-English Editions ~
- (1974) Published in Rastatt, Germany; by Pabel, OCLC: 70715486, Terra TB241, DM2.80, 144pg ~ translated by Susi-Maria Roediger ~ cover by Josh Kirby ~ German title Garan - der Ewige [Guarantee the eternal]
- (1978) Published in Italy; by Edizioni M.G., TP, 1.500 lir, 124pg ~ Italian title Garan L'Eterno [Garan the Eternal]
- (1980) Published in Italy; by Gemini Argento, TP, 244pg ~ cover by Eddie Jones ~ Italian title Garan l'eterno / La città morta [Garan the eternal / The dead city] ~ "The Dead City" by William Voltz
- (1998) Combined with a rather good size group of short stories in "Il Grande Libro della Heroic Fantasy" - Published in Italy, by Editrice Nord, edited by Alex Voglino, TP, 88-429-1055-4, 978-88-429-1055-8, 28,000 Lir, 700+pgs. ~ cover by Ken Kelly, translated by Maria Cristina Pietri ~ Italian title "Il popolo del cratere" [Garan the Eternal]
i Presentazione. Dal Bois de Boulogne all'Era Hyboriana (Il Grande Libro della Heroic Fantasy) essay by Alex Voglino
17 La polvere del dio [Northwest Smith] novelette by C. L. Moore (trans. of Dust of the Gods 1934)
57 Duar il maledetto novelette by Clifford Ball (trans. of Duar the Accursed 1937)
93 Il viaggio di re Euvoran [Zothique] novelette by Clark Ashton Smith (trans. of The Voyage of King Euvoran 1933)
125 I servi dell'oscuro [Ten Tales of the Werewolf Clan 3] novelette by H. Warner Munn (trans. of The Wreck of the Santa Ysabel 1930)
171 Il bacio del dio nero [Jirel of Joiry] novelette by C. L. Moore (trans. of Black God's Kiss 1934)
217 L'idolo tenebroso [Zothique] novelette by Clark Ashton Smith (trans. of The Dark Eidolon 1935)
255 Falchi su Shem [Conan] novelette by L. Sprague de Camp and Robert E. Howard (trans. of Hawks Over Shem 1955)
305 La regina della Costa Nera [Conan] novelette by Robert E. Howard (trans. of Queen of the Black Coast 1934)
353 Gli specchi di Tuzun Thune [Kull of Valusia] short story by Robert E. Howard (trans. of The Mirrors of Tuzun Thune 1929)
367 Tuono all'alba [Elak] novella by Henry Kuttner (trans. of Thunder in the Dawn 1938)
453 La figlia dei venti short story by Edmond Hamilton (trans. of Child of the Winds 1936)
485 Il velo di Astellar [The Asteroid Belt] novelette by Leigh Brackett (trans. of The Veil of Astellar 1944)
527 Il popolo del cratere novel by Andre Norton (trans. of Garan the Eternal 1972)
591 La spada di Yraine [Shanna of Sharteyn] (1988) short story by Diana L. Paxson (trans. of Sword of Yraine 1984)
617 Teste mozzate [Dread Empire] (1988) novelette by Glen Cook (trans. of Severed Heads 1984)
669 Rito di iniziazione [Tiger and Del] novelette by Jennifer Roberson (trans. of Rite of Passage 1987)
- (1996) Published in Poznań, Poland; by Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, 83-861-3834-3, 160pg ~ translated by Piotr Kuś ~ Polish title Garan nieśmiertelny [Highlander j. Garan]
Russian Omnibus Editions ~
- (1992)-1 Published in Novosibirsk, by EYA, 5-872-16019-4, HC, 464pg ~ cover of O. Poleschuk ~ Russian title Гаран вечный [Eternal Garan]
- "Forerunner Foray" as "The invasion of distant ancestors" ~ pp. 3-143
- "Garan the Eternal" as "The Eternal Garan" ~ pp. 144-236
- "Judgment on Janus" as "Court on Janus" ~ translation by N. Nesmelova, pp. 237-342
- "Victory on Janus" ~ pp. 343-461
- (1992)-2 Published in Novosibirsk, by Timur, 5-7664-0904-4, HC, 480pg ~ cover of A. Zaplavny ~ Russian title Зеркало Мерлина [Merlin's Mirror]
- "Merlin's Mirror" ~ pp. 4-165
- "Wraiths of Time" as "The Spirits of Time" ~ pp. 166-359
- "Garan the Eternal" as "The Eternal Garan" ~ pp. 360-477
- (1993)-1 Published in Zelenograd, by Zelenograd book, HC, 416pg ~ cover by C. Caldwell ~ Russian title Гаран вечный [Eternal Garan]
- "The Crystal Gryphon" as "The Griffin Crystal" ~ pp. 3-180
- "Year of the Unicorn" ~ pp. 181-302
- "Garan the Eternal" as "Eternal Garan" ~ translation by N. Nesmelova, pp. 303-413
- (1993)-2 Published in N. Novgorod by Phlox, 5-87198-046-5, HC, 480pg ~ cover by A. Tarasov ~ Russian title Долгая ночь ожидания [Long Night of Waiting]
- "Operation Time Search" as "Operation Search in Time" ~ translation by L. Deutsch, pp. 3-164
- "Garan the Eternal" as "Eternal Garan" ~ translation by N. Khokhlova, pp. 165-270
- "Catseye" as "Cat's gaze" ~ translation by L. Deutsch, pp. 271-382
- "Long Live Lord Kor!" as "Long live Lord Cor!" ~ translation by L. Deutsch, pp. 383-440
- Fantastic stories
- "Mousetrap" as "The Mousetrap" ~ translation by L. Deutsch, pp. 442-449
- "All Cats are Gray" as "The Secret of “The Empress of Mars” ~ translation by L. Deutsch, pp. 449-456
- "The Long Night of Waiting" ~ translation by L. Deutsch, pp. 456-467
- "Gifts of Asti" ~ translation by N. Rezanova, pp. 468-479
- (2004) Published in Moscow, by Eskmo, 5-699-06989-5, HC, 528pg ~ cover by N. Jainschigg ~ Russian title Ледяная корона [Ice crown]
- "Ice Crown" ~ translation by O. Kolesnikov & S. Sergeyev, pp. 5-212
- "Breed to Come" as "New breed" ~ translation by O. Kolesnikov & S. Sergeyev, pp. 213-416
- "Garan the Eternal" as "Garan Eternal" ~ translation by O. Kolesnikov & S. Sergeyev, pp. 417-523
- (2015) Published in Moscow by Eksmo, 978-5-699-84463-0, HC, 800pgs ~ cover art by A. Dubovik ~ Russian title Гаран вечный [Eternal Garan] ~ Limited to 3000 copies
- "Garan the Eternal" as "Eternal Garan" ~ translation by O. Kolesnikov & V. Sergeyev, pp. 5-122
- "Here Abide Monsters" as "Monsters are found here" ~ translation by O. Kolesnikov & V. Sergeyev, pp. 123-340
- "Huon of the Horn" as "The Horn of Yuon" ~ translation by O. Kolesnikov & V. Sergeyev, pp. 341-456
- "Knave of Dreams" as "The Knight of Dreams" ~ translation by D. Arseniev, pp. 457-638
- "Merlin's Mirror" ~ translation by O. Kolesnikov & D. Arseniev, pp. 639-797
View the Original contract
For information on editions currently available visit the Book Store
Garan the Eternal - 1972
Garan the Eternal - 1972
Garan the Eternal - 1972
Garan the Eternal - 1972
Garan the Eternal - 1973
Garan the Eternal - 1973
Garan the Eternal - 1986 proof card
Garan the Eternal - 1986 proof card
Garan the Eternal - 1986
Garan the Eternal - 1986
Garan the Eternal - 1987 proof card
Garan the Eternal - 1987 proof card
Garan the Eternal - 1987
Garan the Eternal - 1987
Garan the Eternal - 2012
Garan the Eternal - 2012
Garan the Eternal - 2017
Garan the Eternal - 2017
Garan the Eternal - Germany - 1974
Garan the Eternal - Germany - 1974
Garan the Eternal - Italy - 1980
Garan the Eternal - Italy - 1980
Garan the Eternal - Italy - 1978
Garan the Eternal - Italy - 1978
Garan the Eternal - Italy - 1978
Garan the Eternal - Italy - 1978
Garan the Eternal - Poland 1996
Garan the Eternal - Poland 1996
Contains: Garan the Eternal - Russian - 1992-1
Contains: Garan the Eternal - Russian - 1992-1
Contains: Garan the Eternal - Russian - 1992-2
Contains: Garan the Eternal - Russian - 1992-2
Contains: Garan the Eternal - Russian - 1993-1
Contains: Garan the Eternal - Russian - 1993-1
Contains: Garan the Eternal - Russian - 1993-2
Contains: Garan the Eternal - Russian - 1993-2
Contains: Garan the Eternal - Russian - 1993-1
Contains: Garan the Eternal - Russian - 1993-1
Contains: Garan the Eternal - Russian - 2004
Contains: Garan the Eternal - Russian - 2004
Contains: Garan the Eternal - Russian - 2015
Contains: Garan the Eternal - Russian - 2015
DAW Frontispiece;