Wizards’ Worlds
~ A Collection of Short Stories by Andre Norton
~ Edited by Ingrid Zierhut
Contains ~
- 01~ Falcon Blood (ss) Amazons! (1979) Edited by Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Published by DAW, PB, 0-87997-503-2, $2.25, 206pg ~ cover by Michael Whelan
- 20~ The Toads of Grimmerdale (na) Flashing Swords! # 2 (1973) Edited by Lin Carter, Published by Nelson Doubleday/SFBC, HC, # 5859, $1.49, 200pg ~ cover by Frank Frazetta
- 77~ Changeling (nv) Lore of the Witch World (1980) Published by DAW, PB, 0-879-97560-1, $1.95, 223pg ~ cover by Michael Whelan
- 111~ Spider Silk (na) Flashing Swords! # 3 (1976) Edited by Lin Carter, Published by Dell, PB, 0-440-02579-0, $1.25, 272pg ~ cover by Don Maltz
- 159~ Sword of Unbelief (nv) Swords Against Darkness # 2 (1977) Edited by Andrew J. Offutt, Published by Zebra, PB, 0-890-83293-5, $1.95, 284pg ~ cover by unknown
- 195~ Sand Sister (na) Heroic Fantasy (1979) Edited by Gerald W. Page & Hank Reinhardt, Published by DAW, PB, 0-879-97455-9, $1.95, 320pg ~ cover by Jad
- 253~ Toys of Tamisan (na) Part 1 (1969) World of If Published by Galaxy, April, pgs. 5-44 ~ * Part 2 (1969) World of If Published by Galaxy, May, pgs. 107-145
- 348~ Wizard’s Worlds (na) Worlds of If (1967) * Edited by Frederik Poul, Published by Galaxy Publishing, Mag., $0.50, 164pg, June, (pgs. 7-49) ~ cover by Wenzel
- 407~ Mousetrap (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction - Jun. (1954), Edited by Anthony Boucher & J. Francis McComas, Published by Fantasy House Inc., $0.35, 132pg, (pgs. 47-52) ~ cover by Kirberger
- 416~ Were-Wrath (nv) (1984) Published by Cheap Street, HC, 0-941-82610-4, LCCN 85127590, 75pg ~ illustrated by Judy King-Rieniets ~ Very Rare Only 177 Copies printed
- 454~ By a Hair (ss) Phantom Magazine (July 1958), (UK), pgs. 32-40
- 464~ All Cats Are Gray (ss) Fantastic Universe [as Andrew North] ~ Aug/Sep. (1953), Edited by Sam Merwin Jr., Published by King-Size Publications Inc., Mag, $0.50, 196pg ~ cover by Alex Schomburg
- 473~ Swamp Dweller (nv) Magic in Ithkar (1985) Published by TOR, PB, 0-812-54740-3, $6.95, 317pg ~ cover by Walter Valez
Synopsis ~
Write-up from the flaps of TOR edition dustjacket ~
For more than three decades Andre Norton has delighted readers with fantastic creatures and stunning worlds of wonder. Her crowning creation, the Witch World, has held audiences in thrall since its inception. She shows no signs of ever letting us down. Here, together for the first time, is a stellar collection of Andre Norton’s finest short stories, each is a gem polished to perfection…
…Come travel to the ends of the world with Tanree in “Falcon Blood” and discover the fearsome secret of the ruins of Salzarat…
…Walk through the gloom and fear that surround the path to the magical rocks known as the “Toads of Grimmerdale” and be with Hertha as she learns the true meaning of forgiving…
…Venture to the wretched coastal village of Rannock in “Spider Silk” and feel their loss. See with sightless Dairine, whose hands “see” more than eyes can bear to behold…
…Ride with furry-driven warrior in “Sword of Unbelief” as he searches the Great Waste for his lost swordmate. Join him on a journey that will end in rescue or death in a land of twisted shadow and ancient magic…
…Come enter a world of forbidden magic and delighted surprise; behold the glorious power of Andre Norton. There is no other place like it, welcome to…
Wizards’ Worlds
Write-up from the back of TOR paperback edition ~
For more than four decades Andre Norton has captivated millions of readers all over the world with tales of fantastical creatures, breath taking adventures, and worlds of stunning wonder. Called the “Grande Dame of science fiction” by Life magazine and awarded the Nebula and World Fantasy Awards for Life Achievement, she shows no sign of slowing down now. Here is gathered for the first time a stellar collection of Andre Norton’s finest tales, each gem glittering with magic and polished to perfection. Come, enter the realms created by a story-telling wizard.
Reviews ~
Kirkus Reviews ~ Issue: Oct. 15th, 1989
Thirteen substantial tales, 1953-85, from short to novella length, showing Norton's complete range from sword and sorcery to science fiction. Most of the tales here, per Norton's usual style, feature strong, positive female leads. Exiled noblewoman Hertha seeks sorcerous help to avenge herself--rather predictably--on the man who raped her; a sequel involves Hertha's changeling daughter. A rousing long yarn follows the blind weaver-witch Dairine's adventures among carnivorous, spider-like alien weavers of rare skill. The lonely, confused, magical girl Tursla seeks her destiny in clues from her past, her ancestry, and her dreams. A witch rescues her imperiled lover in the magically dangerous country of the Old Ones. Also in a fantasy vein: a Witch World Sulcar woman and Falconer man who must cooperate to survive; an ensorcelled hero of Ithkar; sorcery and cats; and Baltic witchcraft. On the fantasy/sf border is the title piece: rebellious psi-powered "esper" and escaped slave Craike fall through an interdimensional doorway as pursuers close in. Orthodox sf: crossbred hive-human Tamisan's power is to project her dreams to include others; talented Steena bests an invisible monster aboard a mysteriously abandoned spaceship; and a male-lead Martian adventure. Norton has only one gear--Forward: slow--and she's often overbearingly YA-ish; but the short/medium-length format shows off her real yet limited talents to best advantage.
Review by Publishers Weekly ~ Nov. 01, 1989
This collection of 13 captivating short stories and novellas written between 1952 and 1985 samples the wide range of Nebula Grand Master Norton's (Tales of the Witch World 1) work. The first six entries, set in the Witch World universe, depict mostly female protagonists coping with the aftermath of wars made even more devastating by the deployment of magic. ``Toads of Grimmerdale'' and ``Changeling'' recount the travails of Hertha, a noblewoman who is cast out into ``drifts of ice-crusted snow'' by her brother after she refuses to abort the fetus of a rapist. ``Spider Silk'' is what blind, former slave Dairine is taught to weave by male-hating giant arachnids. In the title novella, an Esper fleeing a lynch mob is carried into another world, where his kind rules--but even there he is different and must fight for survival. A dreamer who creates worlds for others finds her work, herself and her client in grave danger in ``Toys of Tamisan.'' ``Mousetrap,'' the earliest story here, envisions a not-too-distant future in which mankind explores Mars but human nature remains the same.
Bibliography of English Editions ~
- (1989) Published by TOR, HC, 0-312-93191-3, $17.95, 500pg ~ cover by Lucy Synk
- (1989) Published by Easton Press, No ISBN, $60.00, 500pg ~ with a new introduction by James Gunn and artwork by Patricia Davis. This is a signed, leather-bound gilt-edge edition being published “simultaneously” with the TOR hardcover edition. This special leather-bound gilt-edge edition is part of the “Signed First Editions of Science Fiction” series and is available by subscription only.
- (1990) Published by TOR, PB, 0-812-54750-0, $4.95, 500pg ~ cover by Lucy Synk
- (2012) Published by Premier Digital Publishing, eISBN 978-1-937957-63-6, DM, $3.99, 425pg ~ cover by Kib Prestridge
- (2014) Published by Open Road Media, eISBN 978-1-497657-08-3, DM, $3.99, 500pg ~ cover by Kib Prestridge ~ re-released in 2017 with new cover-art by Ian Koviak
Ukrainian Omnibus Editions ~
- (2017) Published in Kyiv, Ukraine, by Globe (Fanzine), no ISBN, HC, 824pg ~ cover by N. Deligaris ~ Ukrainian title Верхом на зелёном драконе [Riding on a green dragon] ~ Limited to 10 copies
- "House of Shadows" ~ translation by D. Arseniev, pp. 5-110
- "Wizard's World" as "The World of Sorcerers" ~ pp. 111-146
- "Seven Spells to Sunday" as "Seven Wonders by Sunday" ~ translated by T. Korobkova, pp. 147-224
- "Tiger Burning Bright" as "Tiger, light burning" ~ translation by N. Nekrasova, pp. 225-558
- "Sneeze on Sunday" as "Sneezing on Sunday" ~ translation by D. Arseniev, pp. 559-706
- "Ride the Green Dragon" as "Riding a Green Dragon" ~ translation by D. Arseniev, pp. 707-822
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Wizard's World - 1989
Wizard's World - 1989
Wizard's World - 1989
Wizard's World - 1989
Wizard's World - 1989 - Easton Press
Wizard's World - 1989 - Easton Press
Wizard's World - 1989 - Easton Press frontspiece
Wizard's World - 1989 - Easton Press frontspiece
Wizard's World - 1990 PB
Wizard's World - 1990 PB
Wizard's World - 2012
Wizard's World - 2012
Wizard's World - 2017
Wizard's World - 2017
Contains: Wizard's World - Ukrainian - 2017
Contains: Wizard's World - Ukrainian - 2017