Articles and Reviews about Andre Norton
~ 1985 thru 1989
Indented critiques and comments from Andre Norton: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography. Edited by Roger A. Schlobin, 1994
Many of the articles posted here are from the archives of Texas A & M University - Cushing Memorial Library
- Lan’s Lantern 16 (March) Edited by George “Lan” Laskowski ~ 8 ½ x 11, 48 pages. A SPECIAL ANDRE NORTON ISSUE. Contents includes “An Open Letter to Andre Norton” by Joan D. Vinge, “Andre's Animals” by Rick Brooks, “The Calendar and Chronology of Witch World” by David M. Shea, “Andre Norton, A Short Story Writer” by Don D’Ammassa, “A Review of 'Ware Hawk”, “Andre Norton’s Daybreak 2250 In Perspective” by John Thiel, “Growing in Wonder” by Sandra Miesel, An Andre Norton Bibliography and more. Front cover from The Jargoon Pard by artist Erin McKee.
Contains two dozen articles, letters, and illustrations on Andre Norton and her books. Some of these articles are given separate listings below.
An Open Letter to Andre Norton by John D. Vinge ~ Lan’s Lantern 16 (March) (pgs. 5-7) Note: This file is a PDF copy of the original 9 pages as typed and signed by John D. Vinge
Reprinted in Moonsinger’s Friends Edited by Suzan Swartz, Published by Bluejay Books, TP, 0-312-94326-1, $8.95, 342pg ~ (pg 336)
Includes some biographical material and some of the “Sense of Wonder” gotten from reading Andre Norton adventures. There are lessons learned from seeing all people as equals and having female protagonists and stories where even all-male casts avoid demeaning portrayals of women. Andre Norton has provided literary role models and is a role model.
Andre Norton: Updates, Additions and Corrections to – Andre Norton: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography by Roger C. Schlobin ~ Lan’s Lantern 16 (March) (pgs. 12-16)
Primary source for the items included herein. Does not include annotations.
The Calender and Chronologogy of Witch World by David M. Shea ~ Lan’s Lantern 16 (March) (pgs. 18-19)
An attempt to fit the Witch World stories, to date, into a time line using the [twelve] years named for various creatures.
Growing In Wonder by Sandra Miesel ~ Reprint of Introduction to The Space Adventure Novels of Andre Norton, Sargasso of Space, Gregg Press, 1978 (pgs. 21-26)
A brief introduction to Ms. Norton’s career followed by an analysis of her Space Adventures (occasioned by Gregg’s reprints of the volumes): Sargasso of Space, Plague Ship, Voodoo Planet, Star Hunter, The Crossroads of Time, Secret of the Lost Race, and The Sioux Spaceman.
Andre Norton: Short Story Writer by Don D’Ammassa ~ Lan’s Lantern 16 (March) (pgs. 28-29)
Contains plot summaries of many of Andre Norton’s short stories.
Review of Ware Hawk by Greg Hills ~ Lan’s Lantern 16 (March) pgs. 31-33
The Coming of Age Theme in Selected Works of Andre Norton by Carl Yoder ~ Lan’s Lantern 16 (March) (pg. 34-35)
Explores the theme using several of Andre Norton’s books, including Stand to Horse and Rebel Spurs.
Andre Norton Bibliography by Mark Owings ~ Lan’s Lantern 16 (March) (pg. 36-43)
Alphabetical attempt to include most editions and printings, prices and page counts, foreign titles included. This is hard to read.
Thank You Andre by Jacqueline Lichtenberg ~ Lan’s Lantern 16 (March) (pg. 45)
Lichtenberg says that her Dushau universe is a new background to the story in Star Rangers. “So I will remain forever a Norton Fan. And I hope to travel a ways along the road she has forged for us all-not to escape from reality, but into it.”
- Reflections of a Grand Master ~ An Interview with Andre Norton ~ by John Betancourt ~ Xignals: Communications from Waldenbooks Otherworld Club, Vol. XI, 0-681-12776-7X, $1.25 (pgs 1-6), 1985
A rare book club periodical with a fantastic interview of Andre explaining why she writes what she writes. A must read for all Andre Norton fans.
- Review of Forerunner: The Second Venture by Carl B. Yoke in Fantasy Review #83, September, Vol. 8 No. 9, Published by Florida Atlantic University, Edited by Robert A. Collins, $2.75, 44pgs. ~ cover by Tiberion Storm (pg. 22)
- Andre Norton: Beyond the Siege Perilous by Suzan Swartz ~ Moonsinger’s Friends, Edited by Suzan Swartz, Published by Bluejay Books, TP, 0-312-94326-1, $8.95, 342pg ~ (pgs. 1-13) [The later 1986 Tor paper edition is easier to find] This book is an anthology of stories written in honor of Andre Norton.
Describes the book Moonsinger’s Friends as a recognition of Andre Norton, “the woman who opened Gates to many of us and who, as writer, mentor, and friend, has been ‘the gateway through which so, so many of us have come into this field in the first place.’”
- Andre Norton: Feminist Pied Piper in SF by Virginia L. Wolf ~ Children's Literature Association Quarterly Vol. 10 No. 2 (Summer) (pgs.66-70)
- Elements of Style in Science Fiction: Andre Norton Compared with Others by Judith E. Boss ~ Extrapolation Vol. 26 No. 3 (Fall) (pgs. 201-211)
Uses a computer tabulation of the number of words, sentences, and sentence length to compare several Andre Norton stories to the stories of some other authors.
- 100 Most Important People: Andre Norton by Daniel Dickholtz ~ Starlog 100 (Nov.) (pgs. 14-15)
An historical overview discussing two books for each of two of Andre Norton’s most used themes.
- Review of Gryphon's Eyrie by Tom Easton in Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, June, Published by Davis Publications, Edited by Stanley Schmidt, $2.00, 192pgs. ~ cover by Vincient Di Fate (pg.166)
- Review of Magic in Ithkar 1 by Mary Ann McIntyre Nixon in Fantasy Review #81, July, Vol. 8 No. 7, Published by Florida Atlantic University, Edited by Robert A. Collins, $2.75, 44pgs. ~ cover by J.K. Potter (pg. 20)
- Review of Magic in Ithkar 1 by John Gregory Betancourt in Amazing Stories, November, Vol. 60 No. 1, Published by TSR Inc., Edited by George H. Scithers, $1.75 US £1.25 UK, 164pgs. ~ cover by Hank Jankis (pg. 19)
- Review of Sargasso of Space by Michael M. Levy ~ Fantasy Review, October Volume 8, No. 10, Whole #84., Published by Florida Atlantic University, Edited by Robert A. Collins, $2.75, 44pgs. ~ cover by Stephen Gervais (pg22)
- The Gate: For Those of You Who Have Already Found the Gate into Witch World and Those of You Who Have Yet Made the Journey... by The Guardians of the Gate, Winter Park, Florida - January/February
- Andre Norton by Roger C. Schlobin ~ The Arthurian Encyclopedia Edited by Norris J. Lacy, Published Garland, (pg. 408)
Revised edition as The New Arthurian Encyclopedia (1991)
Very short plot synopses of Merlin’s Mirror and Steel Magic and their treatment of the Arthurian legend. The 1991 edition adds synopses of Dragon Magic, Huon of the Horn, and Witch World.
- Claiming a Place in the Universe: the Portrayal of Minorities in Seven Works by Andre Norton by Karen Patricia Smith ~ Top of the News: The Quarterly Journal of the Association for Library Service to Children and the Young Adult Services Division of the American Library Association, ISSN: 0040-9286, Edited by Joni Bodart (Winter) (pgs. 165-172)
Tries to make the point that Andre Norton “has used her literary vision to explore the ‘fantastic’ situations of minorities in both future and otherworldly environments.” Uses the Star Ka’at Series, Hosteen Storm series. Star Man’s Son, and Sea Siege, but the impression given by these examples is more that the different races and species treat each other as equals.
- Review of Operation Time Search by Muriel R. Becker in Fantasy Review, March Volume 9, No. 3, Published by Florida Atlantic University, Edited by Robert Collins, $2.75, 44pg ~ cover by Dave Carson (pg20)
- Review of Flight in Yiktor by Robin Roberts in Fantasy Review, April, Vol. 9 No. 4, Published by Florida atlantic University, Edited by Robert A. Collins, $2.95, 52pgs, cover by James Christainsen (pg. 27)
- Review of Flight in Yiktor by Tom Easton in Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, December, Vol. CVI No. 12, Published by Davis Publications, Edited by Stanley Schmidt, $2.00, 196pgs., cover by David Hardy (pg. 181)
- Review of Forerunner: The Second Venture by John Gregory Betancourt in Amazing Stories, January, Vol. 60 No. 2, Published by TSR Inc., George H. Scithers, $1.25, 124pgs. ~ cover by Jeff Easly (pg. 10)
- Review of House of Shadows by Paulette Minaré in Science Fiction Review, Spring #58, Vol. 15 No. 1, Published and Edited by Richar E. Geis, $2.50, 64pgs. (pg. 9) ~ cover by Steven Fox
- Review of House of Shadows by Don D'Ammassa in Science Fiction Chronicle, #80 May Volume 7, Number 8, Issue #80 Edited by Andrew I. Porter, $2.00, 42pgs (pg36)
- Tropicon IV and an Add for Witch World audio book in Locus, #302, March, Vol. 19 No. 3, Published by Locus Publications, Edited by Charles N. Brown, $2.50 (pg.24 & 43)
- Announcements - Gollancz signs Andre Norton & Norton sells The Gate of the Cat in Locus, #307, August, Vol. 19 No. 8, Published by Locus Publications, Edited by Charles N. Brown, $2.50 (pg.6 & 8)
- Andre Norton: a Perspective by C.J. Cherryh ~ Noreason Three, Progress Report, Published by Massachusetts Convention Fandom Inc. (Jan.) (pgs. 9-12)
Andre Norton’s way of working is more purely the storyteller’s art, where people can identify with the characters. “Andre Norton helped no few of us through our own identity crises.” Andre Norton is described as a master at world-building whose creative output continues.
- Andre Norton, Interview and Bibliography by Nancy Garcia and Mary Frances Zambreno ~ American Fantasy Vol. 2 No. 2 (Winter) (pgs. 22-25)
An interview presented as a biography. Andre Norton sees mental pictures that she then describes for the reader. She tries to open the book with a vivid scene and end each chapter with a cliffhanger. A list of honors and a bibliography are included.
- Reviews of Star Gate, Witch World and Web of the Witch World by Andy Sawyer in Paperback Inferno, 68, Published by British Science Fiction Association, Edited by Andy Sawyer, £0.50, 16pg
- Review of The Gat of the Cat by Don D'Ammassa in Science Fiction Chronicle, #97 October Volume 9, Number 1, Issue #97., Published by Algol Press, Edited by Andre Porter, $2.00, 46pg ~ cover by Nick Smith (pg39)
- Review of Year of the Unicorn by Andy Sawyer in Paperback Inferno, #69, Published by British Science Fiction Association, Edited by Andy Sawyer, £0.50, 16pg
- Andre Norton; Guest of Honor at 1989 World Con. in Locus, #313, February, Vol. 20 No. 2, Published by Locus Publications, Edited by Charles N. Brown, $2.50 (pg. 7)
- Special Award to Andre Norton in Locus, #323, Deember, Vol. 20 No. 12, Published by Locus Publications, Edited by Charles N. Brown, $2.50 (pg.1)
- Andre Norton Sponsoring Women's Fantasy Award, Science Fiction Chronicle (fanzine) October, Vol. 10, No. 2, Issue #110, Published by Algol Press, Edited by Andrew Porter, $2.00
- About the Author: Andre Norton for The Dowry of the Rag Picker's Daughter in Arabesques: More Tales of the Arabian Nights (1988) Edited by Susan Shwartz, Published by AvoNova, PB, 0-380-75319-7, $3.50, 258pg ~ cover by James Warhola ~ 0-330-30506-9, £3.99, 324pg ~ UK printing ~ cover by Melvyn
Paragraph about where Andre lives with her cats.
- Andre Norton by S.H. Goldman in The New Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, Edited by James Gunn, Published by Viking, 0-670-81041-X, 544pgs.
- Review of Tales of the Witch World by Tom Easton (1988) in Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, March, Vol. CVII No. 3, Published by Davis Publications, Edited by Stanley Schmidt, $2.00, 196pgs. ~ cover by Laura Lakey (pg. 182)
- Review of Iron Cage by Andy Sawyer in Paperback Inferno #70, Published by British Science Fiction Association, Edited by Andy Sawyer, £0.50, 16pg, cover by Ian Brook
- Review of Sorceress of the Witch World by Andy Sawyer in Paperback Inferno #73, Published by British Science Fiction Association, Edited by Andy Sawyer, £0.50, 16pg, cover by Nik Morton
- Review of Spell of the Witch World by Andy Sawyer in Paperback Inferno #75, Published by British Science Fiction Association, Edited by Andy Sawyer, £0.50, 16pg, cover by Colin P. Davies (pg13)
- Review of The Gate of the Cat by Tom Easton in Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, April Vol. CVII No. 4, Published by Davis Publications, Edited by Stanley Schmidt, $2.00, 196pg ~ cover by Nicholas Jainschigg (pg182)
- Review of Witch World by David Pringle in Modern Fantasy: The Hundred Best Novels 'An English-Language Selection, 1946-1987'., Published by Grafton, Edited by David Pringle, £7.95, 278pg ~ cover by Max Ernst (pg87)
- Reprinted in Modern Fantasy: The Hundred Best Novels, 1989, Published by Peter Bedrick Books, Edited by David Pringle, $17.95, 278pg ~ cover by Linda Kosarin (pg87)
- World Fantasy Con. in Locus, January, Vol. 21 No. 1, Published by Locus Publications, Edited by Charles N. Brown, $2.50 (pg.29)
- Andre Norton: Still Spirited at 76:: in Locus, #326, March, Vol. 21 No. 3, Published by Locus Publications, Edited by Charles N. Brown, $2.95, 76pgs (pg. 1) ~ with add for Magic in Ithkar on page 38
- Andre Norton Celebrates her 76th Birthday: in Locus, #327, April, Vol. 21 No. 4, Published Locus Publications, Edited by Charles N. Brown, $2.95 (pg. 4) ~ Add for Tales of the Witch World 2 on page 68
- Andre Norton to Fund Gryphon Award: in Locus, #329, June, Vol. 21 No. 6, Published by Locus Publications, Edited by Charles N. Brown, $2.95 (pg. 5) ~ With Special Double Cover
- Andre Norton: Fables & Futures Edited by Anne Braude, Published by Niekas Publications, Magazine, 0-910-61904-2, $5.95, 52pg
This is an anthology of pieces on Andre Norton. The major piece is by Ann Braude, “Andre Norton’s Rites of Passage.” The main theme of the piece is a definition of Fantasy and how Andre Norton shows the way to believe in fairy tales. There is also an article by Marion Zimmer Bradley, “A Rather Prolific Hobbyist,” which describes how the Black Trillium book came about and several other personal anecdotes.
Pg. 2 ~ Mathoms: The Good Witch of the South by Anne Braude
Pg. 4 ~ Bumbejimas: My Brunch with Andre by Edmund R. Meskys
Pg. 7 ~ Across the River: Our Debt to Andre Norton by Fred Lerner
Pg. 8 ~ Patterns: The Magic of Witch World by Diana L. Paxson
Pg. 10 ~ The Haunted Library: Shelves of Wonder by Don D’Ammassa
Pg. 11 ~ Linkages: Keeping the Home Fires Burning by Pat Mathews
Pg. 12 ~ Andre Norton's Rites of Passage by Anne Braude
Pg. 20 ~ Referencing Norton; Secondary Sources ~ a bibliography of articles about Andre Norton.
Pg. 21 ~ The Wondrous Worlds of Andre Norton by Ruth Kyle
Pg. 22 ~ The Weaving of the Witch World by Sandra Miesel ~ reprint of “Introduction to Witch World” in the Gregg Press edition of “Witch World”, 1977.
Pg. 29 ~ Series and Sequels, the Problem Thereof… by Andre Norton. ~ Reprint of “The Witch World Novels” by Andre Norton, Niekas #16, June 1966.
Pg. 29 ~ … but then again… by Andre Norton ~ a brief note by Andre as to what she is working on.
Pg. 30 ~ Some Notes on Norton by Grace Warren. ~ Reprint of article by the same name in Niekas #8, March 1964.
Pg. 36 ~ A Rather Prolific Hobbyist by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Pg. 38 ~ Norton's Gallery. ~ a small collection of Norton cover-art.
Pg. 42 ~ Reading Norton by W. Ritchie Benedict, Anne Braude, Steve Morris ~ a collection of reviews of Andre Norton books.
Pg. 47 ~ Under the Influence by Jacqueline Lictenberg
Pg. 52 ~ Bastraw’s Bastion: Andre the Giant by Michael Bastraw
- Introduction to Wizards' Worlds by James Gunn, Published by Easton Press, No ISBN, $60.00, 500pg
A short biography, uncredited, but probably by Gwen Hamon, who ran the fan club.
- Weaving the Web of the Witch World by Ann Miller, Science Fiction & Fantasy Forum, March/April
- GURPS: Witch World; Roleplaying in Andre Norton’s Witch World Published by Steve Jackson Games Inc., written by Sasha Miller and Ben W. Miller, Edited by Sharleen Lambard ~ cover by Toni Taylor
Intended as the elaborate rule book for a role-playing game. In actuality, this is a good compilation of all of the Witch World stories. In this the time line never repeats names. There may be errors in time line or details, but these can be excused as the necessities of uniting various stories into a whole. Concludes with a Bibliography, Glossary, and Index.
A note from one of the authors;
- Andre Norton by M.H. Zool in Bloomsbury Good Reading Guide to Science Fiction and Fantasy, Edited by M.H. Zool, Published by Bloomsbury Publishing, 0747503990, 160pgs.
- The Whole Science Fiction Data Base:: a Bibliography of Andre Norton by Kurt Baty ~ The 47th World Science Fiction Convention: Noreascon Three – The Souvenir Book, Published by Massachusetts Convention Fandom Inc., 182pgs. (pgs. 165-177)
First notation of Maid at Arms, confirmed by Andre Norton and by using the collection of Syracuse University Library. Gives detailed computer listing of each separate edition of all of Andre Norton’s books. Lists publishers, dates, printings, and cover artists. Lots of minor typing errors.
- Andre Norton: The Mother of Us All by Joan Vinge ~ The 47th World Science Fiction Convention: Noreascon Three – The Souvenir Book, Published by Massachusetts Convention Fandom Inc., 182pgs. (pgs. 14-18)
Andre Norton’s books, like Heinlein’s, were often the first science-fiction book that many fans started with. The reader stays with that book because of the “sense of wonder” it evokes. Andre Norton’s continued popularity stems from the fact that the books transport readers with wonder. Her most important contribution is that she was one of the first “who wrote socially aware, humanistic science fiction.” Andre Norton “laid the groundwork for most of today’s writers of sociological and anthropological sf.”
- Review of Trey of Swords by Andy Sawyer in Paperback Inferno, #77, Published by British Science Fiction Association, Edited by Andy Sawyer, £0.50, 16pg ~ cover by Colin P. Davies (pg14)
- Review of Flight in Yiktor by Lynne Bispham in Paperback Inferno #79, Published by British Science Fiction Association, Soft cover. Colin P. Davies (illustrator). 1st Edition. 4to - over 9¾ - 12" tall. This issue includes reviews written by Norman Beswick, Charles Stross, Kev McVeigh, K.V. Bailey, Terry Broome, Eric Brown, Ken Lake, et al, of works by Iain Banks, Stanislaw Lem, Robert Silverberg, George Turner, Andre Norton, James P. Blaylock, Tanith Lee, Gregory Benford, Samuel R. Delany, Lois McMaster Bujold, et al. Letters from Brian Aldiss, et al. Cover art by Colin P. Davis. Illustrations by Steve Bruce and Nick Waller. Full-page ad for Keith Roberts' Winterwood, with Roberts artwork, laid-in.
- Review of Tales of the Witch World by Gloria Wall in Short Form, Issues 3 & 4, Published by Hatrack River Publications, Edited by Orson Scott Card, Fanzine ~
Notes: "Volume 1, Combined Issues 3 & 4, Whole Numbers 3 & 4, Free to subscribers" "Special Collectors' Edition: The Most Overdue Issue of Any Fanzine Ever" Printed on 8 1/2" X 11" sheets, single-stapled. Although there is continuous pagination, Issue #4 begins on the third column of page 37. "The Secular, Humanist Revival Meeting" has separate pagination, and has the running footer on odd pages: "Green Pages May 1989". This would be considered Issue #3 of "The Green Pages".
- Review of Tales of the Witch World by Maureen Porter in Critical Wave, #12, Edited ny Martin Tuder, £1.50, 24pgs. (pg. 15)
- Review of Tales of the Witch World by Alan Fraser in Paperback Inferno, #80, Fanzine, Published by British Science Fiction Association, Edited by Andy Sawyer, £0.50, 20pgs. (pg. 6)
- Review of Moon Mirror by Tom Easton in Analog Science Fiction and Fact, September, Vol. CIX No. 8, Published by Davis Publications, Edited by Stanley Schmidt, $2.00, 196pgs. ~ cover by David Hardy (pg. 183)
- Review of Imperial Lady by Carolyn Cushman in Locus, #344 September Vol. 23, No. 3, Published by Locus Publications, Edited by Charles M. Brown, $2.95, 98pg (pg21)
- "Andre Norton: Sorceress of the Witch World" by A. C. Crispin, ~ Part 1 in Starlog, Issue #146, September, pp. 33-36, 52 ~ Part 2 in Starlog, Issue #147, October, pp. 54-57, 96
Lots of book cover photos and two nice photos of Andre Norton, one with and one without cats. Interview covers early years and the Witch World series. The second half covers lost manuscripts, proposed projects, and mentions the Beastmaster movie. During the interview Andre states that her name “without the accent is the feminine version of the name.”