Perilous Dreams
~ A Collection of Short Stories by Andre Norton
Seventh DAW printing has title as “Perilous Dream”
Contains ~
- 03~ Toys of Tamisan (na) If Apr. (1969)
- 85~ Ship of Mist (nv)
- 129~ Get Out of My Dream! (nv)
- 151~ Nightmare (nv)
Synopsis ~
Write-up from the back of paperback edition ~
Would you like to dream high adventure – and have the dream become reality?
This is a novel of one who did. She was Tamisen the Dreamer – trained to explore other worlds through her genetic ability to transfer herself through dream to their actualities. To a dreamer all worlds, all times, were open.
But there were risks. There were perils such as no landbound explorer could conceive. For in an infinity of worlds, there must be an infinity of enemies, of beasts, of personal peril – as well as an infinity of rewards and pleasures.
Here is Andre Norton’s imaginative best, taking Tamisen through a series of worlds as real as her own towards an ultimate destiny none could suspect.
Write-up from a fan ~
Perilous Indeed! The dreamers of TyKry have the power to create dream worlds and take their clients on exciting adventures. The first two stories concern Tamisen (Later Tam-sim) a powerful dreamer and her client the ultra-wealthy Lord Starrex. Starrex wants an exciting and Dangerous experience and gets more than he bargained for as a saboteur adds his own deadly twists to try and make sure Starrex' dream is his last.
In the third story, a federal agent goes into a dream looking to return the Client to the real world. He doesn't want to go, and the agent discovers a startling fact about the Dreamscape and Reality.
In the last story, the title "Nightmare" pretty much sums it up. In the past 6 months, five clients and a dreamer have died, and one Dreamer is in vegetative state. Into this powder keg come two federal agents to investigate. They enter into the last dream of the most recently deceased Client and need all their wits just to survive much less solve the mystery. ~ PG
Reviews ~
Various reviews ~ For more info and other listings see Articles Over the Years
1976 in Publishers Weekly, May 10
1976 by W. McPherson in Science Fiction Review Monthly #16 (fnz), June
1976 by I. Slater in Fantasiae (fnz), July
1976 by E. Boatner in Kliatt Young Adult Paperback Book Guide, November
1977 by Mary Kay Jackson in Delap's F & SF Review, March
2021 by Judith Tarr
Bibliography of English Editions ~
- (1976) Published by DAW, PB, 0-451-UY1237, $1.25 US, $1.95 Canadian, 199pg ~ cover and illustrated by George Barr ~ #97405-2 UE1405 1978 $1.75 US $1.95 Canadian ~ cover by Kevin Johnson, ~ #97749-3 1982, $2.50, [7th printing] #77248-6 1987 $2.95, ~ covers by Ken W. Kelly
- Deadly Dreams (2011) Published by BAEN, PB, 1-439-13444-8, $7.99, 528pg ~ cover by Darrell K. Sweet ~ Omnibus containing Knave of Dreams (1975) & Perilous Dreams (1976)
Non-English Editions ~
- (1981) Published in Rastatt, Germany; by Pabel, Terra TB 339, DM4.80, 160pg ~ translation by Lore Strabl ~ German title Traum ohne Wiederkehr [Dream of no return] (abridged - does not include "Get Out of My Dream" or "Nightmare")
- (1991) Published in Milan, Italy; by Mondadori, Urania n. 1165, 5,000 lir, 176pg ~ translation by Maura Arduini ~ cover by Vicente Segrelles ~ Italian title Mondi pericolosi [Dangerous worlds]
- (1995) Published in Poland; by Zysk i S-ka, 83-715-0003-3, 202pg ~ translation by Bogumiła Kaniewska ~ cover by Enrique Paretti ~ Polish title Senne Manowce [Sleepy astray]
Russian Omnibus Editions ~
- (1992) Published in Novosibirsk, by Timur, 5-766-40905-2, HC, 432pg ~ cover of A. Zaplavny ~ Russian title Опасные сны [Dangerous Dreams]
- "Perilous Dreams" as "Dangerous Dreams" ~ pp. 3-177
- "Forerunner" as "The Forerunners" ~ pp. 178-329
- "Yurth Burden" as "The Burden of the Yurts" ~ pp. 330-432
- (1993)-1 Published in Irkutsk, by East Siberian Publishing House, 5-742-40559-6, HC, 464pg ~ cover by A. Ladyanov ~ Russian title Город иллюзий [City of Illusions]
- "The Woman from Altair" by Lee Bracket as "A Woman from Altair" ~ translation by A. Burtsev, pp. 3-34
- "Enchantress of Venus" by Lee Bracket as "Venusian Witch" ~ translation by A. Burtsev, pp. Z5-99
- "Perilous Dreams" as "Dangerous Dreams" ~ translation by A. Burtsev, pp. 100-268
- "Toys of Tamison" as "Toys Tamizan" ~ translation by A. Burtsev, pp. 100-173
- "Ship of Mist" as "A ship in the fog" ~ translation by A. Burtsev, pp. 173-207
- "Get out of My Dream" ~ translation by A. Burtsev, 207-225
- "Nightmare" as "A nightmare" ~ translation by A. Burtsev, 226-268
- "City of Illusions" by Ursula Le Guin ~ translation by A. Burtsev, pp. 269-453
- About the Authors of this Book (Afterword)
- Article by Edmond Hamilton "Stories of Many Worlds" ~ pp. 454-457
- Article by A. Burtsev "Romantic Tales by Andrew Norton" ~ pp. 458-459
- Article by A. Burtsev "The Galactic History of Ursula Le Guin" ~ pp. 460-462
- (1993)-2 Published by Arkanar, no ISBN, HC, 336pg ~ cover by K. Ahilleosa ~ Russian title Земля во власти волшебства [Earth Dominated by Magic] ~ Limited to 1000 copies
- "Changeling Earth" by Fred Saberhagen as "The Land of Magic" ~ pp. 3-132
- "Perilous Dreams" as "Dangerous Dreams" ~ pp. 145-329
- "Good-bye, Miss Paterson" by Phyllis McLennan as "Goodbye, Miss Patterson" ~ pp. 331-334
- (1993)-3 Published in Zelenograd, by Zelenograd book and in Angarsk, by Amber, Ltd, 5-86314-017-8, HC, 448pg ~ Russian title Ночь масок [Mask night]
- "Night of Masks" as "The Night of the Masks" ~ translation by A. Schupov & I. Golovshchikov, pp. 3-154
- "Wheel of Stars" as "The Star Wheel" ~ translation by D. Arseniev, pp. 155-330
- "Perilous Dreams" as "Dangerous dreams (part 1)" ~ Partial
- "Toys of Tamisan" as "Part one. Toys Tamisan" ~ translation by K. Prilypko, pp. 332-408
- "Ship of Mist" as "Part two. A ship in the fog" ~ translation by K. Prilypko, pp. 408-445
- (1993)-4 Published in Zelenograd, by Zelenogradskaya Books, 5-863-14020-8, HC 448pg ~ Russian title Королева Солнца 2 [Queen of the Sun 2]
- "Redline the Stars" as "Underlined by the stars" ~ translation by D. Arseniev, pp. 3-184
- "Horn Crown" as "A Crown of Woven Horns" ~ translation by K. Prilipko, pp. 185-376
- "Perilous Dreams" as "Dangerous Dreams - 2" ~ Partial
- "Get Out of My Dream" as "Get out of my dream" ~ translation by K. Prilypko, pp. 378-398
- "Nightmare" as "A Nightmare" ~ translation by K. Prilipko, pp. 398-445
- (2003) Published in Moscow, by Eksmo, 5-699-03009-3, HC, 384pg ~ cover of P. Turner ~ Russian title Железная клетка [Iron Cage]
- "Iron Cage" ~ translation by O. Kolesnikov, pp. 5-188
- "Perilous Dreams" as "Dangerous dreams" ~ translation by O. Kolesnikov, pp. 189-379
- (2016) Published in Moscow, by Eskmo, 978-5-699-90700-7, HC, 869pg ~ cover of A. Dubovik ~ Russian title Неизвестный фактор [Unknown factor] ~ Limited to 5000 copies
- "The X Factor" as "Unknown factor" ~ translation by D. Arseniev, pp. 5-156
- "Perilous Dreams" as "Dangerous dreams" ~ translation by O. Kolesnikov, pp. 157-338
- "Android at Arms" as "Android, to arms!" ~ pp. 339-523
- "Dread Companion" as "Dangerous satellite" ~ translation by O. Kolesnikov & S. Sergeyev, pp. 525-723
- "Dark Piper" as "The Moody Piper" ~ translation by D. Arseniev, pp. 725-893
View the Original contract
See Also: Timeline 1 - Andre's Universe entry for this title.
Perilous Dreams - 1976
Perilous Dreams - 1976
Perilous Dreams - 1978
Perilous Dreams - 1978
Perilous Dreams - 1982 Original Art
Perilous Dreams - 1982 Original Art
Perilous Dreams - 1982
Perilous Dreams - 1982
Perilous Dreams - 1987
Perilous Dreams - 1987
Perilous Dreams - 1987 proof card
Perilous Dreams - 1987 proof card
Perilous Dreams - Germany - 1981
Perilous Dreams - Germany - 1981
Perilous Dreams - Italy - 1991
Perilous Dreams - Italy - 1991
Perilous Dreams - Poland - 1995
Perilous Dreams - Poland - 1995
Contains: Perilous Dreams - Russian - 1992
Contains: Perilous Dreams - Russian - 1992
Contains: Perilous Dreams - Russian - 1993-1
Contains: Perilous Dreams - Russian - 1993-1
Contains: Perilous Dreams - Russian - 1993-2
Contains: Perilous Dreams - Russian - 1993-2
Contains: Perilous Dreams - Russian - 1993-3
Contains: Perilous Dreams - Russian - 1993-3
Contains: Perilous Dreams - Russian - 1993-4
Contains: Perilous Dreams - Russian - 1993-4
Contains: Perilous Dreams - Russian - 2003
Contains: Perilous Dreams - Russian - 2003
Contains: Perilous Dreams - Russian - 2016
Contains: Perilous Dreams - Russian - 2016
DAW Frontispiece;